Self Created Health is a method which determines the emotional causes of painful symptoms, and which liberates the body in a gentle and respectful manner.
There is almost always an emotional connection to a physical pain. The emotion can appear after a conscience or unconscious event, and can be recent or from a long time ago. “Understanding” the origin of a problem doesn’t necessarily bring the solution.
Most of our physical and emotional symptoms can be stimulated by our power of auto-regeneration, thanks to EFT, Matrix-reimprinting, Relax therapie, Quantum-Touch, Quantum-Allergy, Quantum-Share, and other efficient methods. A certain percentage of symptoms, about 10%, re-occur or do not disappear completely.
We can retrace the emotional cause to the origin of each problem.
Self Created Health is the recommended technique for the 10% of symptoms that haven’t been responsive or that have been resistant to other treatments.
Putting in place the Self Created Health protocol, which is very easy to apply, we are capable of “liberating” ourselves completely, abandoning all of the symptoms, with as a result: the disappearance of pain, calming of our emotions and our opening up to new possibilities of personal development.
The Self Created Health method allows us to identify the symptom, by asking ourselves structured and adequate questions.
The most important thing is to find what caused the problem, as well as the emotions, and to evaluate it.
Often, these questions lead us to situations which aren’t easy, either “forgotten”, or not integrated. The questioning method is totally secure, and the person who is interrogated only has to say what they want to, with no obligations.
When the situation which caused the symptom is clarified, there exists several ways of dealing with the corresponding emotions.
This method leads to profound evolving changes.
However long the problem has persisted, by applying the Self Created Health protocol, there is a great chance that the pain will diminish and disappear.